39 Ways To Repair The World!
In celebration of Rabbi Shmuly’s 39th birthday, he is going to teach the 39 melachot over the coming year (1 per week for 39 weeks). Each session will be between 10-15 minutes long on Tuesdays.
He’ll teach the 39 Shabbat Channels from philosophical & theological perspectives. Each of the 39 can move us toward a deeper realization of these 39 dimensions of Shabbat rejuvenation in order that we can bring about 39 strengthened ways to repair & heal the world (& ourselves! & our families! & our communities!) on the other 6 days (emulating Divine creation and transforming our world into a holy dwelling place!
We hope you’ll join us each week!
He’ll teach the 39 Shabbat Channels from philosophical & theological perspectives. Each of the 39 can move us toward a deeper realization of these 39 dimensions of Shabbat rejuvenation in order that we can bring about 39 strengthened ways to repair & heal the world (& ourselves! & our families! & our communities!) on the other 6 days (emulating Divine creation and transforming our world into a holy dwelling place!
We hope you’ll join us each week!
1. Zorei'a (Seeding)
2. Choreish (Plowing)
3. Kotzeir (Reaping)
4. Me'ameir (Bundling sheaves)
5. Dash (Threshing)
6. Zoreh (Winnowing)
7. Boreir (Sorting)
8. Tochein (Grinding)
9. Merakeid (Sifting)
10. Lash (Kneading)
11. Ofeh (Baking)
12. Gozeiz (Shearing)
13. Melabain (Whitening)
14. Menapeitz (Combing)
15. Tzovei'a (Dyeing)
16. Toveh (Spinning)
17. Meiseich (Stretching the threads of the warp)
18. Oseh Shnei Batei Nirin (Setting two heddles, preparing to weave)
19. Oreig (Weaving)
20. Potzei'a (Separating, removing threads, Unweaving)
21. Kosheir (Tying a knot)
22. Matir (Untying a knot)
23. Tofeir (Sewing)
24. Korei'a (Tearing)
25. Tzad (Trapping)
26. Shocheit (Slaughtering)
27. Mafshit (Skinning)
28. Me'abeid (Tanning, Salting)
29. Mesarteit (Scoring lines)
30. Memacheik (Smoothing/scraping)
31. Mechateich (Cutting, into strips)
32. Koteiv (Writing)
33. Mocheik (Erasing)
34. Boneh (Building)
35. Soteir (Destroying)
36. Mechabeh (Extinguishing)
37. Mav'ir (Igniting, Kindling)
38. Makeh B'Patish (Striking a Hammer)
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