Weekly Parsha Podcast
Rabbi Shmuly teaches a weekly parsha podcast throughout this year!
We hope you’ll check back in every week to learn with him!
We hope you’ll check back in every week to learn with him!
Week 1- Parshat Bereishit: On Human Dignity
Week 2- Parshat Noach: On Trauma & Community Mental Health
Week 3- Parshat Lecha Lecha: On Fertility Justice
Week 4 - Parshat Vayeira: On Visiting the Sick and Welcoming Guests
Week 5 - Parshat Chayei Sarah: On Water Justice
Week 6 - Parshat Toldot: On Hatred and What to Do With It
Week 7 - Parshat Vayeitzei: On Wage Theft and Labor Justice
Week 8 - Parshat Vayishlach: On Rape and Our Response to It
Week 9 - Parshat Vayeishev: On the Evils of Incarceration
Week 10 - Parshat Mikeitz: On Food Justice
Week 11 - Parshat Vayigash: On Dealing Respectfully with the Other
Week 12 - Parshat Vayechi: On Legacy and Introspection
Week 13 - Parshat Shemot: On Leadership and Persuasion
Week 14 - Parshat Va'eira: On Softening the Heart
Week 15 - Parshat Bo: On Reparations for Slavery and Injustice
Week 16 - Parshat Beshalach: On the Role of Song in Liberation Work
Week 17 - Parshat Yitro: On the Commandment Not to Covet
Week 18 - Parshat Mishpatim: On the Ethics of Debt
Week 19 - Parshat Terumah: On Internal and External Character
Week 20 - Parshat Tetzaveh: On Persistent Striving
Week 21 - Parshat Ki Tisa: On the Worship of Money
Week 22 - Parshat Vayakhel: On Being Wise-Hearted
Week 23 - Parshat Pekudei: On Building the Inner Tabernacle
Week 24 - Parshat Vayikra: On Honesty in Our Promises
Week 25 - Parshat Tzav: On Giving Thanks
Week 26 - Parshat Shemini: On Sobriety in Our Service
Week 27 - Parshat Tazria: On the Dangers of Solitary Confinement
Week 28 - Parshat Metzorah: On Menstruation Justice
Week 29 - Parshat Acharei Mot: On the Preciousness of Blood
Week 30 - Parshat Kedoshim: Fairness in Business
Week 31 - Parshat Emor: On the Death Penalty
Week 32 - Parshat Behar: On Preventative Measures
Week 33 - Parshat Bechukotai: On Pursuing Peace
Week 34 - Parshat Bamidbar: On Intermediate Spaces
Week 35 - Parshat Nasso: On Justice for Theft
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Week 36 - Parshat Beha'alotcha: On Second Chances
Week 37 - Parshat Shelach: On Having a Truthful Outlook
Week 38 - Parshat Korach: On the Dangers of Populism
Week 39 - Parshat Chukat: On Honoring Human Potential
Week 40 - Parshat Balak: On Listening to One's Conscience
Week 41 - Parshat Pinchas: On the Succession of Leadership
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